Jakob is a web designer, gameful thinker and dancer. He loves teaching things that he has well-understood and always looks for something new to learn. He prefers backend-design over frontend-design, dabbles with SysAdm, and has grown interested in Geography lately. Silent on the outside, when asked, he usually contributes with wisdom and oversight.
Catharina <Caz> is a crafty and rigorous doer with a keen eye for detail. She enjoys project development, graphic design and mindfulness thinking. She likes crisis management and children, not necessarily both at the same time. She wants to get a drawing tablet soon to grow in her design skills.
Jonas is a behavioural economics, sustainable development and motivational psychology aficionado. His biggest strength and weakness is his curiosity. When something is new to him, he can spend hours reading all that he can find about it. That means that he can say something about almost anything. But that also means that he is easily distracted and enthused, which is not always the most useful skill to push a project forward.
*A meerkat that is in charge of looking over the plane and looking out for dangers is called “Sentry”. The other meerkats are looking for food under this protection. During this “foraging”, they are very careless, therefore the Sentry’s task is very important.